Frequently asked questions


No, since 2024, this requirement has been abolished. This also applies to cases where clear-cutting has been performed after reaching the diameter threshold.

Forest inventory should be conducted at least once every 20 years, but it can be done more frequently. Accurate inventory helps in more effective forest management and determining its current value.

The value is influenced by various factors, including the tree species present, the age of the stand, tree quality, location, accessibility, and market conditions.

Clear-cutting is performed when the stand reaches the cutting age or minimum diameter as specified by Cabinet regulations. These parameters vary for different tree species. For example, for grey alder, there is no specified minimum cutting age or diameter, allowing the owner to decide on cutting at their discretion. It’s important to note that overgrown trees lose quality, age, and deteriorate.

In dry forest growth conditions, the maximum clear-cut area is 5 hectares, such as in damaksnis (Dm). In wet conditions, the maximum area is 2 hectares. In specially protected natural areas, these limitations may differ according to individual regulations.


Before starting work, the storage area and access roads are coordinated with landowners, and a written agreement is made to restore the property after logging. If ruts have formed, they will be leveled, and the storage area will be cleaned up.

The decision on the placement of logging residues is made individually for each felling area in agreement with the owner. Typically, in thinning cuts, branches are placed on access roads to prevent rut formation and protect the root systems of remaining trees. In clear-cuts, the soil’s bearing capacity is assessed— in wet areas, branches are used to reinforce access roads.

The choice between chainsaws and harvesters depends on several factors:

  • Scope of work: Smaller volumes are handled with chainsaws.
  • Tree quality: Larger, thicker trees are usually felled with chainsaws.
  • Terrain: Steep slopes are worked with chainsaws.
  • Growth conditions: In wet areas, chainsaws are preferred, and branches are laid on roads.
  • Client preferences: For specific requirements, such as leaving certain trees, chainsaws are used.

    Regardless of the chosen method, BALTU KOKS guarantees the highest quality logging.

After signing the contract, work can begin immediately; however, several factors should be considered:

  • Availability of storage areas.
  • Weather conditions.
  • Restriction periods and other factors.

The start date is always coordinated with the forest owner.

The duration of logging depends on several factors:

  • Distance of the access road.
  • Tree species composition.
  • Type of cut and tree quality.

Approximately 30 to 150 m³ can be felled in a day.

Agricultural Land Lease

The rental price depends on soil fertility, region, area, and local specifics. Currently, prices range from 60 to 250 euros per hectare.

Yes! BALTU KOKS always offers tenants the right of first refusal, and tenants are the first to be informed about plans to sell the property.

Typically, the lease term is 5 years with the possibility of extension.

Tenant’s rights and obligations:

  • Receive European Union and national agricultural subsidies.
  • Maintain the land in good agricultural and environmental condition.
  • Preserve the fertile topsoil layer and avoid its destruction.
  • Respect property borders.
  • Use the property without interference from the landlord, strictly for the agreed purposes.

The agreement can be terminated by mutual consent of the parties. It can also be unilaterally terminated at any time, with a written notice given at least 6 months in advance.

The tenant is always allowed to harvest the crops obtained during the term of the agreement.

Hunting Rights Lease

No, the lease is only signed with existing hunting clubs or organizations that already manage adjacent properties.

The lease term is 5 years, with the possibility of extension. If the property changes ownership, the tenant is always informed.

No, such rights are not granted. Any such actions may result in the termination of the lease agreement.

There are no specific conditions, but if property damage caused by wild boars or tree damage caused by beavers is detected, we ask the tenant to address these issues.

The cost of the hunting rights lease may vary depending on market conditions and other factors, but currently, it is on average 2 euros per hectare.

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